
Power is defined as energy of force that can do work.
The physical source of power is electricity; this source of power brings light which can be expressed in different ways via a power point, that’s a socket on the wall with a switch.
The spiritual source of power is God’s word. God’s word brings light which can be shed abroad through you and I. As long as our switch of salvation is on and we are connected and plugged into the spiritual power point which is God’s Holy Spirit light flows through us. This light expresses itself in different forms based on the gifts of the Holy Spirit each of us have received.
Some have their switch of salvation on, they have been saved but are either ignorant or fail to appreciate the workings of the Holy Spirit thus fail to get plugged and connected to the power point. Imagine wanting to press a cloth using a pressing iron, you put on the switch but fail to plug the iron into the power point, the point of connection. There will be no flow of power since no connection was made between the plug of the iron and the power point. It’s the same for those saved but not connected, they receive no power to light up the World as they should because they are not connected to the Holy Spirit who helps make things less difficult. I can’t imagine stress-fully trying to light up a fire wood when I have access to a gas cooker. With the help of the Holy Spirit lighting up of the world is made easier. He enables function as we should.
Light, the opposite of darkness makes things visible, exposing what is true. Light encapsulates darkness preventing individuals from groping around in the dark.

When there is no light in the natural world on a normal day, so many things you desire to do are kept on hold especially in this technology age where everything depends on power to function. Sometimes you are forced to sleep or get something else to do just to while away time. Those who are wise know such times are not times to remain idle.
The same is experienced spiritually; the absence of light in a person’s life means such an individual lacks the knowledge and understanding of God’s word and this understanding is the source of power that brings light to us his children. A light we all so need as we are meant to light up the world.
Physically to light up our homes and environment we need a light source. Light sources like street lights, security lights, flood lights chandeliers, bulbs, fluorescents and candle light. Just to mention a few. Each has its location and a purpose to achieve.
Street lights are located on the streets, mainly express roads and they are there to give light to the vehicles passing through such streets especially at night. They are usually lined up by the side of the road and put out when its morning. Security lights are placed on buildings and on the fences of houses. They are like guard lights to keep an area safe and secure. They also put out when its morning. Traffic lights are usually found on roads mainly at intersections and roundabouts they are put there to control the movements of vehicles. Flood lights are usually used for stadia to light up a large expanse of land or area. They are beams of light put together as one. Chandeliers are ornamental branched holder for a number of lights. They are known for their beauty in homes. Bulbs and fluorescent like the chandeliers are internal sources of light in homes and they reflect outside especially when it’s dark outside.
Like the street lights we as God’s children can take our place, positioning ourselves in our streets, places of work and in our cities, so our effect can be seen and people who pass us by can feel the impact of our light. And as security lights we should always be conscious of our duty as guard lights and shine out to ensure the spiritual security of our loved ones, individuals at our work places and wherever we are located. But unlike the street and security lights every moment is important and a time for us to act, we are not suppose to put out our light or let our light grow dim. Night and day our effect is to be felt for gross darkness covers the people. We are to be sensitive to the state of our light, constantly maintaining our connection to the power point: the Holy Spirit.
 As chandeliers, our relationship with other believers matter a lot.We are to reflect the beauty and glory of God as we shine out together as one and as people behold the oneness we share  irrespective of our differences and denominations they should desire to be part of us. Our being one reflects our ornamental spiritual beauty. Like the bulbs and fluorescent our hearts and life's shouldn't be neglected. A house without light has nothing to reflect out to the darkness around. Same for us, if we have no light within us as individuals then lightening up the world becomes impossible.
Sometimes these street, security and flood lights, chandeliers, bulbs and fluorescent go out and we have to replace them; spiritually we should be sensitive to the times when our light seems to be going dim. We should always be alert, pay up our bills (our tithes and offerings) and carry out the required maintenance over our light types.
Power will always be available; all you need is plug in your faith into the power point: the Holy Spirit and you will be equipped with the power that ensures your light shines as it should.  
If you are not yet connected, get connected to the Holy Spirit, get empowered and enabled to light up the World via the gifts you have received! If you are connected, maintain the connection and keep lighting the world…every second matters and everyone matters……



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