Just be you!

There’s great joy in being you

But most times, we miss out on that joy

Because we spend time comparing our gifts, our talents and other things with those of others

And end up feeling inferior and insecure

We should be secure in who God has made us to be, rather than spending our time doing otherwise; trying so desperately to improve our weaknesses. Our ultimate aim should be developing our giftings and celebrating our strengths.

J.C Maxwell in his book “Dare to Dream…..then do it”

Gave a rule of thumb for successful work

Rule 1 – Work where you are strongest 80% of the time

Rule 2 – Work where you are learning 15% of the time

Rule 3 – Work where you are weakest 5% of the time

It is not that we cannot improve at things we are not so good at but concentrating on them and ignoring what we are good at is not helpful and definitely won’t take us very far in life.
Spending more time improving ourselves and mastering our strengths makes us exceptional

Sometimes we find ourselves trying to fulfill other people’s expectations of us, forgetting a life time should be spent being and doing what best expresses our own unique needs and dreams.

Actually, the need to impress is because we have our worth and value in what we do and not who we are. We should always remember our worth is in who we are and not in what we do.

Until you have found peace with whom you are, you can never be satisfied with what you have and what you are capable of doing. Lets quit trying to keep up with everyone or anyone.
That wasn’t God’s idea when he made you and I.

Just be you!  Enjoy being you, that's the best person you can be.                                                                                                                                                              



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