Goodbye 2019

2019 Wow! No words, just gratitude 2019 was a great year with different shades of white, red, green, blue and black, but the constant thing was that GOD was faithful. If you are reading this. It means you are alive, your mind is sound and your mental capabilities are in good condition. No matter how the year was; use the few hours left to thank GOD and to speak words over the coming year. The year 2020, you are highly welcome! Good things shall be spoken of you Daily mercies shall be our experience Growth, success, promotion, and advancement will be our lot Signs and wonders shall be the norm for us Ordered shall be our steps All that we do prospers National honour and global wealth will be our clothing Peace and ease by all means Blissful and pleasant seasons Nothing missing, nothing broken Only increase, additions, and enlargement Happy New Year in advance!!! May the year ahead be filled with prepared Blessings Ysp...