
Showing posts from 2020

Not that bad

  We got back from Church and decided we were going to have pounded yam for lunch as usual. Courtesy of my mum, pounded yam had become the norm on Sunday afternoons. We got it ready, dished the food and served everyone. When my 5 year old nephew Dave, came for his, the following conversation ensued:   Dave: “But you people know I don’t like pounded yam”. After venting, he went back to seat by the TV. Everyone exchanged glances… Myself: “You don’t like pounded yam” I asked him, and then proceeded to ask his siblings and his mum. They all laughed. His mum sweet talked him to come and taste it. He eventually did, and as he continued eating, he turned to his mum, and said ‘not that bad’… we all had our share of laughter.   Just like Dave, I would say 2020 was not that bad either I am indeed grateful to GOD for keeping me, you, my friends and family Not everything went as planned or desired However, GOD did show Himself dependable, able and strong For mer...

Opening the right pages

  I looked at the phone as it kept opening different pages and apps all by itself😲 It wasn’t working as it was meant to But running its own course and doing as it wanted to I kept looking at it And my mind drifted to the fact that I might have acted like the phone was doing with GOD on different occasions We all know GOD already has our lives planned out but sometimes we just prefer to head in the opposite direction I imagined GOD patiently looking at us and saying, “no, not that way my child”💓 And then keeps nudging at our hearts gently until we get the message, pause and then retrace our steps. 2020 has been the most eventful year😩 With so many unprecedented happenings that kept us in constant reminder that we were at the mercy of GOD 2021 will be here in less than 32 days’ time😍 A time out with oneself is needed A time to reflect, strategize and to plan towards the coming year And most importantly, a time to hear from GOD so we won’t be opening pages,...

Prayers for Nigeria

Oh GOD, you are a faithful GOD, a nd it's because of your faithfulness that we still exist as a nation🙌. You are merciful, and for this major reason Nigeria hasn't been consumed or swallowed up by the intrigues of the foolish who claim to be wise. You are just and true, the faithful judge is who you are called  👊 .  This gives us so much hope because we see you judging and weighing our leaders on the scale.  You are the consuming fire💥 We demand you consume and destroy those who have been long overdue for destruction in our country Nigeria. Let them have a taste of your wrath and anger😡 You are known to make all things new. Today, we ask that as we believe and have declared, you will cleanse Nigeria of the stench of corruption, bad governance and the recent batch of comedians😏 Lord, make Nigeria new for us and the future generations🙏 Flood her streets with peace and joy Bring an end to the reign of the foolish, greedy and clueless Drain out the voices of advisers wh...

Live Wisely

Few days ago, as we prepared to sleep, I asked my niece to pray and she began and ended with; Dara: "GOD please do not allow us to wake up dead"... I didn't know when I began to laugh. She sat up wondering what her innocent self had done. As I drifted to sleep, those words lingered on. I mused on it and somehow I realized her simple prayer was not only sincere but true. We hear of people who sleep, and do not wake up on this side. The fact is that these people actually do wake up elsewhere, and not here where we are. So the truth remains that they wake up dead. Sad but true. Just a reminder that we have just this one life, and it is best we live it well and wisely. Yspot!

Keep the pests out

  No matter how well a house is built, even with a solid foundation, well erected pillars, and lovely roofing, you will still find wall geckos and spiders in the house. When you finally move in to possess and occupy your home, guess who else comes creeping in, and wants access to the comfort of your guessed right, the never- relenting roach, most-annoying mosquitoes and the greedy mouse😀. Because of the diseases associated with these animals, we do all we can to get them out. We spray insecticides, use certain chemicals when we find just one of them, or just in the bid to keep them out because we understand the gravity of what might happen if we do not take these necessary measures. I remember asking GOD why we had to keep praying against the attacks of the devil, because after praying, it seems he goes but soon comes back. He dropped the thought about the house-pests and animals above. We never get tired of using insecticides or doing all we can to keep them out. We cl...

It's in you, figure it out...

Some days ago, I was singing the song "I know my redeemer lives" by Nicole Mullen. As I sang the first line of the song; "who taught the sun where to stand in the morning..." the words hit me and it felt like I was hearing the words of the line for the first time. Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?                                                                                       Pause and think for some minutes… 💭 Did GOD sit the sun down after creating it to explain what is was made to do or that it was expected to rise in the east and set in the west?  Was there a tutor assigned th e responsibility of showing the sun how to rise, how to shine, or to tell the sun the perfect time to set?  or Did the s...

Fight! Soldier fight


Go and get your Father

Whose child are you? Where is your father? Scene 1: A child can be taunted, beaten, and bullied until the day he decides to let his father in on what's been happening to him, and eventually, the father shows up and the situation changes for good.😎 Scene 2: When your father is wealthy and great but you have kept that part of your life to yourself. And when a conversation is going on with friends and you are trying to talk about your dad, and you get the look that says who is your father sef? Finally, they get to know your father, and they are like, you mean that's your dad.😲 In both scenes, people question who your father is until He shows up. In the real world, you might not outrightly have bullies bullying you or friends mocking you, but you can trust life to do both the bullying and the questioning, all in the bid to know who your Father is. We are in a world where all thanks to Adam and Eve, the devil has been thrown down to do and undo whatever he likes on earth until the...

Zainat Salau-Ajiboye

  These past few days, Zee has been on my mind and to top it all, her sister chatted me up to check on me few days back. It brought back memories. 😢 Zainat was a go-getter, intelligent and a kind hearted person who could go any length for the ones she loved. She was just different and her love for GOD was something else. 🙏 Why am I writing about Zee today? I look back and see that indeed, the people that GOD brings into your life are either there to make you better or to do the opposite. Zee, added value to my life and I will like to share with you two major things that Zee, who I call Funky Exco did that helped shape my life. Firstly , I was privileged to attend All Nations Christian Assembly while growing up, and without mincing word, I was given the best and major foundation that has guided and channeled the course of my life. Another foundation was laid at Secondary school, another laid during my first ...

"Arrghhh, this isn't my toothbrush na"

Don't know if you experienced this when you were much younger. Mum walks into the room and wakes you up from the best part of your sleep. You do all you can to convince yourself you are truly awake. You walk into the bathroom, pick the toothpaste and a toothbrush, put the toothpaste on the brush then head for your mouth, immediately the toothbrush touches your teeth, the warning bells go off in your head and you just know something is off. Your eyes pop open and you go; "Arrghhh, this isn't my toothbrush na" You take the toothbrush out of your mouth and begin to rinse your tongue, teeth, and mouth with all your strength.  😂 😂 😂 *** GOD's perfection is not just perfect, it is overly-perfect. Even in the things that look seemingly insignificant, He has us covered. How much more in the bigger issues of life.  People worry their heads over what their purpose is, what city to dwell in, who to marry, which job to settle for, whe...

Egusi and Ogbono Soup Combo

Someone may be wondering how this works. I was once like you until Osas; the awesome lady in the pix introduced me too. I had watched people place  orders asking for a mixture of different soups (half ogbono, half egusi or half okro and half egusi) all in one plate and then they sit down and gulp everything down with the right kind of swallow (poundo yam, eba or akpu). By the way, these soups and meals are common to Nigerians. Well, I gave it a try and it made all the sense in the world. However, I am a fan of vegetables, so I kinda stick to ordering efo riro and egusi or I play safe with my fav; afang soup. What's the benefit I hear someone ask? A perfect and adequate supply of the nutrients contained in both soups. Anyway, to the main gist 😀; Early in the month, while listening to Minister Tphils as I got to work, I had to pause and take my confession for the year 2020. I usually love to play Pastor Lawrence Oyor's Eagles chant (So...

I want to be like her... A true life story

The choir needed someone to make them some special blouses for an event the Church was having and my dear elder sister excitedly said I could do it. * That was a huge open door for me * I was so excited because I wasn't sewing for just one person. The choir was huge and they were going to pay me a good sum of Nigerian Naira. Well, I finished sewing the blouses but realized no matter how hard I tried, the upper part of the style didn't come out as expected. When I realized this, I told my sister and had her tell them to come get the blouses, and take them elsewhere for adjustment, and they shouldn't bother paying. * I saw the open door slipping out my hands gradually or so I thought * Days later, one of the ladies in the choir reached out to me and said, she noticed I was good at what I do but it was obvious I needed more training. The next thing she said, made me weak at my knees. She said; I will like you to attend the Lagos Fashion sch...

I want biscuit

I sat beside a little boy and his mum. The boy was a little above 1 year. As the car drove on, I heard the boy say "I want biscuit". I had to look in his direction because he asked with so much authority. There was no trace of fear or doubt. He asked like someone who had a clear understanding of his rights and privileges. * A child doesn't care how his needs will be met, he just cries or calls out, same for us also, cos of Christ, we can ask, knowing that GOD will get it done. It's not our duty to discover how or when but to BELIEVE . He repeated it again, "I want biscuit". I turned to his mum to see what she will do. Immediately, his mum reached into her bag and brought a piece out and gave him. The child knew without doubt that when he asked his mum would respond. * When we ask without wavering, we get answers* * Remember the Bible verse that says "we have cos we ask  not" James 4:2* You might be saying you've bee...

The school Bus

Pimmmm pimmm It was the school bus. It was just 5:55 am I began to laugh cos Kekz my niece had just picked her sponge from the bathroom not up to 2 mins, meaning she was either heading to the next bathroom or about to brush. By the time I stepped into the sitting room few minutes later, I saw Kekz and her brother rushing out of the door. Fast forward to the next day... @5:55 am;  Kekz and her brother were all set and ready to leave. They had eaten breakfast and placed their bags beside the door. I smiled as I saw them seating and waiting. Lesson: *The mistakes of yesterday are for us to make the right decisions/take the right steps today. *When we repeat the same mistake twice it means we are not learning. Back to the story... 35minutes later, I stepped out and I saw Kekz, her brother and Dara, all asleep on the sofa. I had to stifle my laugher to avoid waking them up. I went back to the room to clear my things, pick my bag and head out for work. @6:40 a...

Seasons can be aborted

I was listening to Pastor Lawrence Oyor and he asked a very vital question; How many seasons have you aborted? Let me try to break it down… What exactly is a season? Naturally, seasons are the main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions. The earth has seasons because the world is tilted on its axis with respect to our orbit around the sun. You can use season to refer to the period during each year when a particular activity or event takes place. While… Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The norm in the physical realm is that a woman has a fetus in her womb, and the embryo or fetus can be aborted or miscarried. While in the realm of spirit beings, we carry seasons in our wombs, and these seasons can ...