Style and Fashion we have Anita Andrew-Giwa (DIVA)
SEE YOURSELF THROUGH HIS EYES…. …She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above Rubies or Pearls! “Why do you always walk with your head down?” I paused and considered. This was a question someone asked me some years ago… the only answer I could muster was a sheepish smile. The truth is, back then; I was suffering from what most people battle with. Those were the days I had relied heavily on my big sister in order to dress stylishly. To me, she could do no wrong; she was the “koko”. Now I’m not saying she wasn’t (she still is) all that, but I came to realize on time that I couldn’t run to my sister every time I had to baff up. I had to come to terms with the fact that I was my own person and I needed to develop my own style. It wasn’t instant success o and yes, I am still perfecting the art (it’s a process). I did make 1 or 2 flops (ok maybe 3….ok ok…more than 3), but this issue of style became effortless when I decided to try the “inside-out” approach… ...