Made by God

Manufacturers make stuffs and display them for people to purchase, so needs can be met and satisfied. Pharmaceutical companies and some drink/ Fruit juice manufacturers make extra effort to put a label so the consumers have an idea of the contents, the proportion and the nutritional value/ usefulness of what they are buying.

For manufacturers of electronics, they put a manual so you are guided on how to use whatever electronic it is you have bought. On some occasions you get to find out the manual has been written in another language sometimes Chinese and you actually do not know what to do.

Well take a look at yourself and a good look at the next person to you. Who else could have made such wonderful beings? Yea.. God! He made us individually with specific contents to satisfy a need. Our contents determine the needs you and I are here to meet.

No person was created empty. Let no one deceive you, we are all fully loaded to be blessings and to dominate the earth not just our houses or cities. The extent to which our impact is felt is based on the extent to which we have developed our gifts and talents. They are likened to raw materials and if left in the raw state, they can only do little or no good. They have to be refined, configured and well packaged for the master’s use.

Recall the servants in the Bible who were given talents, its same for us, we are expected to process, develop, use, expand and increase our gifts and talents. Very few people will be intrigued by an under-developed gift and talent. Imagine listening to a singer or a comedian who is still an amateur! Not an interesting site to behold right! It’s possible you come in contact with such a person after some months and you are amazed that the individual has worked on himself or shocked that he is still as bad as the first time you met him or her. It’s like putting water in the fridge to get chilled and after some minutes you go to get the water and you are so ready to drink with so much ecstasy only to discover that the water is still the way you left. Disappointing right!

We can and have to be better at what we have been given. Well, I learnt from my pastor- Rev Gbeminiyi Eboda, that the largest room that exists is the room for improvement. People, in fact, the whole creation awaits your manifestation and mine. We can either leave them and our father disappointed or we can meet their needs and make our Father and maker proud.

There are voices waiting to be heard, writings waiting to be read, songs waiting to be written, inventions awaiting creation, ideas waiting to put on materiality, designs waiting to be worn by people, unique houses waiting to be built… the list goes on and on. Whatever you are good at, do it now, do it better next time and do it outstandingly whenever you have the opportunity to do it.

We can’t keep depriving the world of our relevance. The world has to know you and I were here. It has to be evident that we walked the sands of time.

Remain at the top!


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