Style and Fashion we have Anita Andrew-Giwa (DIVA)


…She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above Rubies or Pearls!

“Why do you always walk with your head down?” I paused and considered. This was a question someone asked me some years ago… the only answer I could muster was a sheepish smile. The truth is, back then; I was suffering from what most people battle with. Those were the days I had relied heavily on my big sister in order to dress stylishly. To me, she could do no wrong; she was the “koko”. Now I’m not saying she wasn’t (she still is) all that, but I came to realize on time that I couldn’t run to my sister every time I had to baff up. I had to come to terms with the fact that I was my own person and I needed to develop my own style. It wasn’t instant success o and yes, I am still perfecting the art (it’s a process). I did make 1 or 2 flops (ok maybe 3….ok ok…more than 3), but this issue of style became effortless when I decided to try the “inside-out” approach…

Style, I believe begins from within... it’s a mindset... it’s an attitude. If you think like Royalty, you will radiate Regality ... it’s just like the Cinderella Disney story. Although Cinderella was dressed in rags and her step sisters in the finest of clothes, it was crystal clear who the real princess was. It shone in her bearing, sparkled in her speech and gleamed in her attitude.

Style stays while fashion fades…

So before I lead you any further in this topic of style, before we can talk about the outer wrappings of clothes, shoes, jewelry and perfume, it’s important to talk about the core… what lies underneath… your SELF ESTEEM.

Style is like a portal.  It’s like a keyhole in a door that leads to a very, very difficult terrain for most women. It is about how invested women are in their looks in this society. It’s about how an individual feels that if you criticize the way she looks, you’re criticizing her. It is about self-esteem. Yes…. SELF ESTEEM.

But I’ve found that style is just the tip of the iceberg. When somebody dresses in a way that doesn’t really measure up to the standard that they could look, when you see somebody and you see how much potential they have and recognize that they’re not realizing it…9 times out of 10 the reason is much, much bigger them just saying, “I’m lazy”. It’s a barometer that informs us of how one feels about one’s-self.  It’s about self esteem. Yes… SELF ESTEEM.

And when someone is dressing in a way that’s either inappropriate or a caricature;  almost like they’re saying, “Don’t look at me, just look at what I’m wearing”, or, “Don’t look at me, I want to disappear”, whether it’s clothes that are too big or sweats or whatever, there’s usually so much more going on beneath the surface. It’s all about self esteem. Yes…all about SELF ESTEEM.

When you freeze up in trepidation, staring with frustration at your closet every morning, it’s not just about the clothes or your body . . . or your age . . . it’s about how you feel about yourself. . It’s about self esteem. Yes… SELF ESTEEM.

I’m going to say something right now that may shock you, so bear with me . . .


Allow me to elaborate . . . Technically speaking, your Image is your appearance. It’s what you see in the mirror and what others see when they look at you, right? But outer appearance only scratches the surface . . .

Your Image is also your attitude, character, demeanor, manner(ism) . . . presence. Your Image is who you ARE!

In order for you to show up in your life wearing clothes that are a fabulous representation of who you are, YOU NEED to KNOW who YOU are FIRST. You need to know it, believe it, claim it, own it and love it!  It is called an “inside-out” approach to beauty and style.

Once you know who you are, the outer part becomes much easier. You get to kiss frustration good-bye, and unleash the diva within. Yes! That’s who you are! A DIVA *wink*: The outstanding woman…. The ultimate woman… Truly divine

That’s it! Truly DIVINE

Anita Andrew-Giwa

Free-lance Writer


  1. Nice! An eye opener to the koko of style. It truly starts from within!

  2. Truly, style begins from been able to walk in your own skin. The reason people are celebs are not just because they are famous at what they do, but because there is a style they carry which attracts us to them and make us want to be like them.
    It is all within.

  3. Tamunodeinmaiyonpiriari31 July 2012 at 10:19

    I quite agree..To really radiate beauty, we must first accept ourselves and work at imoriving our states from the inside out..The inside-out ptinciple, hmm..Well done Mrs Andrew-Giwa

  4. Thanks Anita, you're so correct.
    Style should be the focus, fashion is just by the starts from within.
    Ǥõõϑ piece!
    Thumbs up.

  5. Tamunodeinmaiyonpiriari31 July 2012 at 10:49

    oops..I meant *improving

  6. Good one Anita. Really inspiring.

  7. I av always known you to be Tђ​​​​​​​​​​‎e quintessence of good style and it oozes whenever you are around. Keep it up dearest one

  8. Spot on Anita...just like you always do...nailed it on the head...thumbs up

  9. I can relate to what you have said...its what's on the inside of a person that's reflected on the outside...Encore pls!!!

  10. This is very insightful. Thanks for telling the basic truth about appearance. Truly, you are what u wear! Nice Anita

  11. On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock. ”“Sometimes I wake up and I think I should start wearing a beret, Anita God Bless u

  12. Great one nita. You hit d nail right on the head- the state and the level of ur self esteem matters when it comes to style. The beauty from within us and d understanding of who we are sure reflects on the outside. Keep it up dear.

  13. this is an eye-opener.....thanks Anita! thumbs up

  14. Really inspiring, nice one Anita!

  15. Really inspiring, ur article spoke to me. Expectin more from you

  16. Wow, a combinatin of intellectualism and art

  17. Anita hymnnnn! from the zoologist way back in school, to the banker I met on FB,after some yrs and now the free lance writer. waow, this is style in itself,good wan dear,keep it up,U'll sure make a good columnist. thumbs up!


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