Lessons from trees

                                                                                                                Sometimes, so many things try to break or tear away our attention into diverse pieces. At such times, I choose to learn from the plants. You know! Despite the storms that come, the scorching sun that shines with so much intensity, the wind that blows, the thunder that strikes,  the ants and Earthworms that struggle with it for space, the neighboring weeds around that compete with it for nutrients (such neighbors that suck the strength out of you), the birds that come around to steal its seeds, the bees visit to suck out its nectar, not to talk of the global warming affecting atmospheric conditions.


Regardless of all the numerous happenings, the trees still maintain their positions. They take root, spread out their roots outwards, downwards, sideways, wherever they find space, standing firm in their positions, unshaken, not distracted, shooting upwards, bearing more leaves, more fruits; fruits with seeds within to replicate themselves despite all odds.

But all that happens actually helps their growth. The storm and rains give them the water they need, the sun gives chlorophyll, the winds shake out dried leaves creating space for new leaves to sprout forth, the spaces created by the movements of the ants and earthworms create channels for water and air to reach the roots, the weeds brings out the tenacity and enduring ability of the trees and the birds and bees encourage it to produce more seeds and nectar.


Same for us, whatever we experience, it only ends up bringing out the best in us. As the Bible says “all works for our good”. Get encouraged, no matter what you may be going through, stand firm, maintain your position and be careful of weed-like relationship 'cos some make you better while some drain the life out of you.

No matter what life throws at you, learn from it! Shoot upwards and produce fruits with seeds that will invariably produce more fruits.



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