Beauty from deep within

Deep within the Spirit of every man are deposits of wealth and greatness. These deposits can be likened to precious stones and treasures which we sometimes have to dig to retrieve, it takes time and effort and sometimes it might take more than a days journey to get to areas where the treasures are located. Not overlooking the importance of a map, a guide and support from loved ones.

Same for us and all that God has deposited in us. We can either choose to leave these deposits lying fallow and never attain greatness, impact lives and acquire wealth or we can choose to go through all it will take to find and retrieve the treasures within.

To bring the beauty within outward:

-It will take a lot of time to tap and refine the deposits within from their raw state to a state where they will be desired n treasured.

-It will take effort to continue the process of refining and processing.

-We will have to ignore all forms of mockery, distractions and discouragement.

-And tag alongside wisdom so we would to know the right set of association needed per time and walk hand in hand with insight to know how and when to demand for their support as we progress through the period of processing and polishing.

-Yea the conscious effort to obey directions as indicated on the map (The Bible) and the total dependence and reliance on the guide (The Holy spirit) is too vital to be ignored.

It will actually take a whole lot but for the joy of becoming all and attaining the heights that God intends for us to reach, it's worth the try.


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