Race 2012

 On your marks, get set!
The race 2012 has not yet ended, the next half began today. The starting line happens to be July and we’ll be running all the way to December, the designated finish line for the race 2012. Ok! Let’s fall in line, take our places on the track and run the distance left to be covered in the year 2012.

But wait a minute, how prepared and how fit are we for the continuation of this race? Athletes prepare way ahead of time for performances that will last just few minutes. They put their very best depriving themselves of whatever may seem appealing but needless. Getting rid of all that’s unnecessary; weights and unneeded attachments so they’ll be light enough to run.

Same for us you know, as we cover the distance left of the year and as we run to make Heaven. Some things look so appealing but yet unnecessary; some relationships so tempting but drain the life out of you. Whatever they may be, let’s be wise, taking the time to watch out for our opponent, looking out for hurdles, pot holes and heights, grabbing opportunities that will launch us forward, sieving out fear and doubt, loading our hearts with the Word, staying focus with a steady gaze at the end line and the umpire, throwing and kicking aside every weight that wants to slow us down for we have got to finish this race strong and we will.

It does not matter what the first half of the race was like. It doesn’t matter if you achieved or failed to achieve set goals, targets and desires. What matters most is that you can decide to make this next half different by giving it all you’ve got. The past can be history but it’s up to you, you can decide to let the past go or hold on to it such that it consumes your today and buries up your tomorrow. Lay to rest the first half whether good or bad, if good, what’s ahead is nothing compared to what you have seen and if bad relax it was just a phase.
This next half has got to be better than the first and definitely will be. But you’ve got to plan, prepare and put goals in place.

The failure to plan is a plan to fail. Drop all that’s unnecessary: cares, anger, worries, malice, un-forgiveness, jealousy, fears, doubt, insecurity and selfishness. We’ve got to go the distance running as light as possible.

As we run through what’s left of 2012, let’s be expectant! Running through our designated tracks, learning from our racing partners, focusing on the umpire, mindful of helpful comments from the side lines and spectators and giving our very best. Surely, so doing we will receive the medals that GOD has in store.
We've got to beat our performances of the last 6 months! Lets give it all it takes!


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