Looking Ahead

I was running late this morning and while walking in a haste to get either a bike or a cab, I kept looking here and there, back and front trying to sight either of two. But my focus was concentrated more on what was coming from behind than in front of me. And it just dawned on me that a cab or bike might be coming from the front and I might miss the opportunity of getting either of the two if I kept looking backwards. God brought to my understanding, that what we desire most times is right in front of us, just ahead of us and not behind where we sometimes focus.

We get distracted by what we have done, things we have let go, things we have achieved, acquired and attained over the past. Some life scenarios are a proof to the fact that everything moves forward. Nobody drives looking backwards, nobody walks looking backwards, planes fly forward, trains move forward no matter how slow they glide through their tracks, babies crawl forward, water flows forward, even the sun and moon rotate round the earth in a forward direction .

In a race, the only time a runner looks sideways is to collect the batton from his partner, to continue forward from where his partner stopped. We cover distances better and faster when we focus ahead of us but slow ourselves down when watching for what's coming behind us, maybe our opponents, competitors, past glory or past victories.
Same in all spheres, leaving the past where we left it, enables us to embrace our future with both hands. We travel light and at a greater speed when we free ourselves of things that have been or things that would have been that are not. There's a whole lot ahead of everyone, let's quit wasting time and move quickly.

Keep looking and moving forward to what's Ahead of you!



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