What the word does

D word of God backed with divinity does a whole lot!
Like the fire from the goldsmiths soldering torch purifying us and showing forth our worth,
It’s like the carpenters hammer hitting lives back into shape,
It’s like the pump of a plumber sucking and clearing out blocked areas or channels in our lives,
It’s like d brush of a painter re-beautifying d soiled areas of our lives,
It’s like the scissor like tool, the secateur of a Gardner uprooting  things that are competing with in our hearts and trimming out things that are making us pumped up,
It’s like d broom of a buffer, clearing out the dirt’s in our lives, cleaning us all up,
It’s like the designers sewing machine, mending up areas where we seem to be falling apart,
Like the rudder on a sailor’s ship, it directs us as we go through life.
All in all, the word never leaves us the same, that is, if we let it in!

It always does what it was sent to, it completes the assignment given to it to perform. 


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