Dream big!

I went by Faith academy months ago, I had to pause and think about what I really desired to achieve out of this life. More like…..I was inspired! Something on my inside was awakened to reality.

As I looked on and on, all the way through the large expanse of land. It hit me that; this was actually the dream of ONE man brought forth into reality”. Just one person not two. One man backed by divinity, a man with the backing of Heaven. One man who has the understanding of who he is, who is father is and what his Father is capable of doing through him, an individual who understands God has paid and done all that needs be done and all he needs do is just to receive.

We can’t imagine what awaits this World by the time every child of God fully grasp who they really are and what God can accomplish through them. There’s no telling how far we can go and how many more dreams will yet manifest on the face of this earth seeing the number of Spirit filled, Spirit led creative visionaries that already are and those springing forth and those about to spring forth. I tell you this world is in for a surprise!!!!!!!!!!   


No dream is too small or too big to be attained. Your dream can also become a reality for as far as your eyes can see is given to you. 


So dream big!


  1. As far as we can see. A scripture comes to mind ".....immeasurably more than what we can think or imagine...." - that is what we are capable of. Only when we can truly see our capabilities, can we take the world by storm. There's really more to me. Thanks for the reminder, dear.


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