Moments with Grace 8 - A Thankful Heart

It’s New Year’s Eve and what a privilege to be alive to see it! In this past year, we all have experienced God’s love, grace and mercy in diverse ways and He deserves all the glory, praise and thanksgiving. There is a song that says; "count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done". I would like you to take a few minutes and think about what the Lord has done for you this past year. I was talking with my children about the miracles we’ve experienced from God and when we started listing them, we were amazed at God’s faithfulness. You can start with at least 10 things you are grateful for….. Things like the breath of life, the gift of salvation, the gift of family and friends, food ,clothes shelter, etc Please be intentional about it. Write in down in a book or on your phone and you might out number 10 without realizing it. God has really been faithful🙌 The Bible says we sho...