Celebrating Icons!

Good morning all!

Today was actually scheduled for a talk on “Relationship Matters” but there has to be a break in transmission, not due to NEPA/PHCN (wink) but for good reasons though.

One reason Yspot is a year older, as in Yspot herself and not the blog Yipeeee ! Am totally grateful to God for ushering me into another year again--- e no easy…smiles. Anyway taking a look back, I have lots of reasons to be grateful to God for, I can say am a much better person today in every aspect of my life and I owe that to Him. A lot happened in the last one year and I can’t help but pour my love on Him. For growth, for family, for friends, for HCC, for completion of MPH, for making Yspot! Blog a reality, for journey mercies, for light, insight and understanding, for wisdom, for grace, for favour, for love, for peace, for joy and for you reading this presently and so much more…………

Secondly my Father, my Mentor and my Pastor, Rev Gbeminiyi Eboda is also a year older today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY REVO! You are an ICON without equal, a Dependable, Caring and Understanding father. A precious gift sent to the World.

You know there are people you meet in life, that your history and biography would remain incomplete without a mention of their names and their tremendous impact upon your life. Revo is one of such persons. I can boldly tell you that my life has experienced an exponential and gigantic turn around over the last 4 years. I have been re-modelled, re-aligned, transformed and propelled towards the fulfilment of my God-given assignment here on earth.

You might not understand what I am saying until you meet him or hear him. When I first joined the HCC, I kept wondering ‘cos everyone I encountered were always saying “ like Rev will say, Rev this, Rev that”, Rev, Rev, Rev, everything was Rev, Rev, Rev….Rev….smiles but after I spent some Sundays and Wednesdays under his ministration, I no know when I join them too (wink). When a man is anointed, it’s obvious. The anointing upon his life is evident; indeed his profiting is appearing to all.

I celebrate you REVO! I do so with all my heart! For me I can say I collided with destiny at the right time. God’s best and much more. Words are few to express my heart desires for you this year but God knows it all. Many more years’ ahead sir!

Third reason- It’s also Obama’s birthday. He clocked 51 years today. Happy birthday to the first black man to preside over America. Wisdom is yours; there is no doubt that is needed. No man can rule over a nation by his own strength.

Happy birthday to, Louis Armstrong, daddy showkee (how is the name spelt sef and where is he?) and every other person whose birthday is today. I celebrate you all…………………..

Yea! Happy married life to my friend Peace Alli……….Blissful years ahead of you.

Once again, sorry for the break in transmission. By next Saturday we will bring your way Relationship matters with Anu Raji.

Have a Great weekend!


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