Style and Fashion with Temi Olujide

Hi peeps,
How are we today? As I said on Monday, in order to maintain a level of consistency, we have decided to stretch our daily programs over a period of two weeks. So every article featured will be on for two days. We actually started the new process this week. So here's the new outline of our programs on yspot!
Week 1
‎​Monday – Generation De Next
WednesdayStyle & Fashion
Friday - African and Intercontinental delicacies and their  Nutritional value.
Sunday - Inspirational

For week 2
Monday -Health
Wednesday - Places of interest in Nigeria and Honeymoon spots.
Friday - Relationship matters

So it’s Style& Fashion with Temi Olujide
What is fashion to you?

This is a question I find myself asking almost every one I meet “in my head of course”. Today, it’s a question I want us to ask ourselves, are you one of the people who think fashion means the latest trend, brand names or that “in-thing” you saw on TV and can’t wait to try out? NO!!! Fashion shouldn’t be about dancing to a rhythm set by others or being bound by other people’s must-have-lists……fashion is meant to be debated, one person’s favourite dress is another’s worst nightmare!
 So what exactly is fashion?

Fashion I would say is a personal expression of who you are. It’s a way in which people get to know you without actually having to speak to you…’s like a huge billboard the world beholds every time people get to look at you. You can make that billboard say anything you want via your fashion style.

Now, we all know not every body’s got a natural flair for fashion, not everyone can colour co-ordinate outfits and manage not to look like a kids water colour set splashed on them, and not everyone can pair the right dress with the right accessories….and so on. So here are some VERY important tips we need to pay attention to:

*    FIT

 It’s all about picking things that fit your body type. To do this you need to know your body intimately, only then would you know what enhances or highlights your good points and what conceals the “not-so-good” ones.

Too tight and you won’t be able to breathe, too big and we start assuming you’re hiding a baby or some really major issues under there………lol! So please find a balance, something that’s comfortable and chicky at the same time. This increases your confidence level, trust me it shows when you walk into that room!


When using accessories, it’s commonly said that “less is more” (yes, I watch E! and style networkJ) but really too much accessories can kill the effect. When you have a loud outfit on (patterned, bright colours etc.) you should keep the accessories to a minimum, a bold print dress does NOT need a matching hat, belt and shoes please! While the items might be cute individually, put together they might just be too much…you can always bring out the bling for the simpler and quieter outfits. Accessories also include foot wears, handbags etc. the right colour and style goes a really long way…..


Apart from getting the right fit, the right look and all…there other things that bring together the whole package, things we overlook most times. Fingernails, especially toe nails….please ensure your nails are clean, well-manicured (you don’t have to go to a salon to do this, I do mine at home when I’ve got the time), nail polish not chipped or smeared (nail polish is really not compulsory you know?) and of a reasonable length (not like talons…)
 Also, please shave!!! Nobody should be told this. Use anti-perspirant (sweat maps are so unattractive) deodorant, body spray, cologne, perfume…whatever. All these are to keep you from being too self-conscious, to keep you looking comfortable and in control.

Well just some few more words before I take my leave,  always strive to become or present yourself an admirable masterpiece and remember that trends disappear quickly, so don’t be a slave to what the trend pages say, rather, develop your own individual and unique style. That’s what makes you, you!

Ok! My time is up…… I will be here again, soon. Until then……… remember fashion is like a billboard which people see every time they get to look at you, so make that billboard say and express the right things about you through your style and fashion sense.

Temi Olujide

If you are wondering who Temi is, find out soon! We will be hosting Temi on yspot! 2 weeks from today. I must tell you she’s a chic but her relationship with God makes her an outstanding one. Knowing God stands you out, in case you don’t know.

Next time (Friday) on yspot!- it will be African and Intercontinental delicacies.

Join us at Move Your World, Lagos edition.
Date: Sunday, 19th August, 2012
Theme: Shine!
Morning Session
Time : 10am
Venue: Harvest House Christian Center, The Kitchen Towers, Opp Murhi International
Beside BigTreat Building, Ojodu/Ogba Road

Evening Session
Time : 5pm
Venue: 3rd Floor, BigTreat Building, Lateef Jakande Rd,
Agidingbi, Ikj

Kindly Re- broadcast

Lead Facilitator: Gbeminiyi Eboda
Twitter: @gbeminiyieboda
BB Pin: 21AAF983


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