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The Great God who will always remain Indescribable!

That’s the God I serve! I love the fact that he turns the wisdom of men into total folly. He just does it simply and perfectly, to the amazement of everyone and causing men everywhere to be at a standstill in acknowledgement of a God who has no equal. One who does what no other can do; one who does that which men have termed impossible. A God beyond description!

For weeks now I have wondered if of a truth I’m still in Ibadan. Why? “cos the weather has been so different from what is expected of the Western part of the country, it’s been so cold, even to drink garri sef, you will have to think twice, that’s for garri lovers like  me…lol. I have experienced the weather in the Northern part of Nigeria especially during the harmattan and I can tell you it is similar to what we have been experiencing in Ibadan currently.   

Well, they say change is a constant thing. I don’t disagree ‘cos this abrupt weather change points only to one person. Or is there anyone else who could be held responsible for the erratic weather change? I’ll say it all points back to the Indescibable God. Only He could possibly be behind this weather anomaly for He alone has authority over all creation, after all he created all things. The greatness of His power cannot be comprehended. Job 37& 38 talks of His greatness in such a way that will cause you to stand in total awe.

Still on the greatness of God, I heard the sweetest news during the week, on Thursday to be precise. A couple in my Church, who have been married for 8 years without a child, were delivered of triplets!!!!!!!!! 2 boys and a girl- I call it total and perfect restoration. All at once and at the right time their expectations were met, every question answered and their critics silenced. If no be God! Ennn….. Who else? In fact this God is God. He has His ways of telling us “I’m still God and still very much in control”.

From all these experiences, I have been reminded that no matter the condition, nothing is impossible with God. No matter how long it has been, He can collapse time for you, for time belongs to Him. No matter who says it can’t be done, don’t forget that the individual is just a man. No matter why what was said was said, know that the Final say belongs to God.

It’s a new week, step in with the consciousness that the God you serve is GREAT & is ABLE and that He has His mind full of you, yes you.

Have a pleasant week everyone!
Stand tall! Walk tall! Speak confidently! Remember whose you are.




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