Atoka Akwitti sheds more light on Relationship Matters today.

Hello Everyone,

On relationship matters today we have something different but totally interesting and important. I tell you it’s a must read for all, especially for persons with children. Join me as I usher into the house - Atoka Akwitti.

Teaching Teens is something I love doing and I look forward to Sundays for that! When people think of teens, they think of them as disrespectful set and rude little things without direction! But I see them as exciting set of vibrant people looking for someone to tell them - in a way that they like 'do this' or 'don't do that'! After Sunday service most times, I usually am in church with the teenagers for an extra hour, maybe two or even three until my husband comes to steal me away. Why? Because there's usually a number of people waiting to be counseled - wanting to tell Aunty Atoka something! 

The usual on the list are – I don't like a particular subject, what do I do? Or my aunt that I’m staying with maltreats me - see what she did. Or I really like this boy or this girl, is it good to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Or I got raped by my uncle whom I’m staying with! 

Then one caught my attention, totally surprising me. ''Aunty Atoka, there’s this girl I really like, we were in the same secondary school (he was then in year 1). We are very close; in fact I won't be wrong to call her my girlfriend. But I'm so scared that when I'm in school she will be with someone else. There is something happening to me that I can't explain. But can't stop thinking of her, I want to be with her every second of the day but I’ll be going back to school and I don't know how I’ll survive. One day I didn't see her and I ended up with a fever! ''He went on and on! I asked him if he had talked to someone else about it, he said his mum! (Bold i must say)! And it was his mum that told him to talk to me! Jees!!!

Comments people, what will you say to this teen in distress that will not damage him or damage his Christian life! Remember he is a teen and doesn't want to hear Scriptures and God said right now! So your comments please! We'll see in the next article!

Akwitti-Ohale Nwadiuto Atoka. 

Hmmm- comments people…. This shouldn’t be ignored, this generation has to be led and tackled with wisdom. No matter how innocent they look, they need to be shown the right way. Stay blessed till we come your way again. That will be on Sunday.


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